Monday, April 17, 2017

Overview of the Issues

The main focuses of CSW this year will be on :

1. Care economy : Creating a safe and reliable environment for care workers (nannies, housekeepers, etc.) to thrive in.
2. Informal sector : From taking care of the home for free, to selling fruit on the streets, remembering the contributions (to the GDP for example) that of work that our global citizens provide. Working to fight for justice for these individuals, as well as more clearly define this category.
  • "Although it is hard to generalize concerning the quality of informal employment, it most often means poor employment conditions and is associated with increasing poverty" - ILO webpage
3. Definition of a family : This basic understanding of an "acceptable" unit of society allows for necessary protection, funding and more. With just under half of the world's countries outlawing same-sex relations, and single-parent homes growing, this a particularly pressing issue.
  • Working on good resources about this. Please share if you know of any.
4. Digital competency : Very soon, 90% of jobs will require some basic level of digital competency. All of the difficulties getting girls in basic eduction in most developing countries, alongside inequality in the tech sector of developed countries, this is an important issue when considering women in the changing world of work.
5. Stereotyping : Breaking cultural norms and expectations that perpetuate unjust practices.

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